Townsend CalTrain Station Mural

 Posted by on August 1, 2012
Aug 012012
Townsend CalTrain Station Mural

SOMA Caltrain Station at Townsend This mural  is 60 feet long and 40 feet wide. The mural sits on the back of the Crescent Cove Apartments that back up to the Caltrain tracks.  (Caltrain is the commuter train line from San Jose to San Francisco).  To appreciate it completely please watch the video first. Helllllooooo San Francisco from Brian Barneclo on Vimeo. The mural is by Brian Barneclo.  Brian was born in Indianapolis, in 1972.  He studied painting and art history at Indiana University.  He moved to San Francisco in 1996 and found work as a sign painter, eventually his Continue Reading

Jul 312012
Breathing Flower by Choi Jeong Hwa graces SF Civic Center

Civic Center Larkin Street, San Francisco * * by Choi Jeon Hwa Fabric with LEDs motor This work of art is part of Phantoms of Asia: Contemporary Awakens the Past, an exhibition at the Asian Art Museum across the street. The plaque accompanying the work reads: The Breathing Flower, internationally acclaimed Korean artist Choi Jeong Hwa created an enormous lotus blossom from sheets of red fabric.  The large lotus appears full of life, its petals slowly inhaling and exhaling, simulating the movement of a live lotus flower.  In many Asian traditions, the lotus symbolizes the spiritual path a person takes Continue Reading

Trapeze Artists in the Mission

 Posted by on July 30, 2012
Jul 302012
Trapeze Artists in the Mission

The Mission Hoff and 16th Streets * Bending Over Backwards by Susan R. Green 2010 This mural is part of the Break the Silence Mural and Arts Program. It is the beginning of a truly monumental mural project that will connect San Francisco’s Mission District with SOMA.  According to the website: Bending Over Backwards (BOB) is a collaborative community, interactive and interdisciplinary project of re-membering and creating histories of the Mission and SOMA. BOB explores the high wire act that thriving in today’s world can be, providing visual and audio metaphors for the tenacious, exhilarating and daring flights made in the Continue Reading

Jul 292012
Stiff Loops by Gerald Walburg at SF General Hospital

Potrero Hill San Francisco General Hospital 23rd and Vermont * * Stiff Loops by Gerald Walburg 6000 pounds, Corten Steel, 1974 In 2009 Stiff Loops was moved from its original site and underwent a $44,650 renovation. It was then placed at the corner of the hospital parking lot to make way for the construction of the new Trauma Center. The conservation treatments were meant to mitigate corrosion and enhance structural stability. Gerald Walburg (1936- ) is a retired art teacher from California State University Sacramento. From a March 3, 2004 CSUS newspaper: Like many artists, Walburg started drawing at a Continue Reading

Madonna by Benjamin Bufano at SF General

 Posted by on July 28, 2012
Jul 282012
Madonna by Benjamin Bufano at SF General

Potrero Hill San Francisco General Hospital 1001 Potrero Avenue Madonna by Benjamin (Beniamino) Bufano 1974 Benjamin (Benny) Bufano was a prolific artist in his time and has many pieces around San Francisco. This Madonna of Red Granite and mosaic sits on the edge of the comfort garden in San Francisco General Hospital, near building 80. The first buildings designated as San Francisco General Hospital were erected in 1872. Outbreaks of bubonic plague, the spread of tuberculosis, the earthquake of 1906, and the influenza epidemic of 1918 were all trials this hospital saw in its early years. Most of the present Continue Reading

Jul 272012
Don Clever and the Peterson Caterpillar Company

SOMA 943 Harrison Street * * This mural, unofficially titled Workers and Tractors, was done for the Peterson Caterpillar Company in 1948 (I have also found the year 1936 attached to this mural) by Don Clever. Here is Mr. Clever’s obituary. Chronicle 6/21/01: Don Clever, by Kelly St. John, Chronicle Staff Writer “Don Clever, a San Francisco-based designer and muralist, was born in 1916 in Champion, Alberta, Canada, Mr. Clever moved to San Francisco at age 20. Although he had no formal training beyond an eighth-grade education, he quickly found success as a muralist. His work included a mural of Continue Reading

Gene Friend Rec Center in SOMA – Tile Art

 Posted by on July 26, 2012
Jul 262012
Gene Friend Rec Center in SOMA - Tile Art

SOMA Gene Friend Rec Center 270 6th Street * A World View by Martha Heavenston Nojima Martha Heavenston Nojima is known for her tile work, and especially her work with children in the arts.  This particular group of tile creatures was done in 1989 and was commissioned and is owned by the San Francisco Art Commission. * * * *  * The Gene Friend Rec Center caters primarily to families of Filipino descent in the neighborhood but is open to all. Youth programs include gardening, arts and crafts, baseball, basketball, poetry. The center also hosts a School Year Latch Key and a Continue Reading

San Francisco’s Wave Organ

 Posted by on July 25, 2012
Jul 252012
San Francisco's Wave Organ

Yacht Road Marina Green * The View towards the wave organ from Marina Green Looking back towards downtown and Fort Mason from the Wave Organ The Golden Gate Bridge from the Wave Organ Palace of Fine Arts and the San Francisco Yacht Club, view from the Wave Organ The Wave Organ is an exhibit of the Exploratorium.  It is a wave-activated acoustic sculpture developed by Peter Richards and was installed in collaboration with sculptor and master stonemason George Gonzales. Inspiration for the piece came from artist Bill Fontana’s recordings made of sounds emanating from a vent pipe of a floating concrete Continue Reading

San Francisco’s Holocaust Memorial

 Posted by on July 24, 2012
Jul 242012
San Francisco's Holocaust Memorial

Land’s End Legion of Honor Holocaust Memorial by George Segal Time has taken its’ toll on this memorial.  The hand on the man above was not to touch the wire as they were electrified.  *  * This memorial shows ten figures sprawled, recalling post-war photographs of the camps.  Placement of this work was controversial.  The choice to look over such a truly beautiful landscape recalling death in a rather graphic way was not acceptable to many.  The artist however, insisted that the viewer might consider death while facing towards the monument and life while facing towards the Golden Gate. Segal’s Continue Reading

Mural Projects in the Tenderloin

 Posted by on July 23, 2012
Jul 232012
Mural Projects in the Tenderloin

The Tenderloin 126 Hyde Street  This group was shot on May 6, 2012 * * True Compassion by Evan Bissell This temporary mural was created through twelve workshops with local artists about the nature of compassion. The double portraits depict the artists interacting with themselves in a compassionate gesture of their choosing. The portraits will be left untreated and then washed away before a new one is painted each Thursday in chalk pastel by the artist Evan Bissell. The participants of the workshop painted the medallions that frame the installation. The symbols contrast with the background drawings that represent challenges Continue Reading

Jul 222012
Heads by Jun Kaneko, San Francisco Civic Center

Civic Center 301 Van Ness * Heads by Jun Kaneko This is a temporary installation in front of the San Francisco Opera House This is the press release that accompanied the installation of these heads: “The San Francisco Arts Commission announced Rena Bransten Gallery’s installation of two 6-foot ceramic heads by acclaimed artist Jun Kaneko in front of the War Memorial Opera House on Van Ness Avenue. This temporary public art installation coincides with the premiere of Kaneko’s production design of Mozart’s The Magic Flute at San Francisco Opera opening on June 13. Kaneko’s  HEADS will be on view through Continue Reading

Mitchell Brothers Theater Mural

 Posted by on July 21, 2012
Jul 212012
Mitchell Brothers Theater Mural

Corner of O’Farrell and Polk The Tenderloin This sweet and rather innocuous mural is on the side of Mitchell Brothers Theater. The Mitchell Brothers O’Farrell Theatre is an adult club, opened as an X-rated movie theater by Jim and Artie Mitchell on July 4, 1969, the O’Farrell remains one of America’s oldest and most notorious adult-entertainment establishments; by 1980, the nightspot had become a major force in popularizing close-contact lap dancing, which would become the norm in striptease clubs nationwide. The late journalist Hunter S. Thompson, a longtime friend of the Mitchells and frequent visitor at the club, claimed to Continue Reading

Qi Lun in Little Saigon, San Francisco

 Posted by on July 20, 2012
Jul 202012
Qi Lun in Little Saigon, San Francisco

Little Saigon The Tenderloin Qi Lun by Walter Wong – Marble and Granite 2008 These dragons mark the entrance to a two-block corridor of Larkin Street between Eddy and O’Farrell officially declared Little Saigon in 2004. There are about 250 Vietnamese American-owned businesses in the Tenderloin and eighty percent of the businesses on the two blocks of Larkin are owned by Vietnamese Americans The two granite and marble pillars serve as a symbol of peace, happiness and safety for the Vietnamese that have settled here. Most were refugees fleeing persecution by the Communist government after the 1975 war. Designed by Continue Reading

Miguel Hidalgo in Mission Dolores Park

 Posted by on July 19, 2012
Jul 192012
Miguel Hidalgo in Mission Dolores Park

 Mission Dolores Park The Mission Miguel Hidalgo – Liberator of Mexico 1810 On the back in the marble is carved: Monument Presented by The Mexican Colony To the City of San Francisco September 16th, 1962 Below it is a brass plaque that reads Miguel Hidalgo Y Costilla Father of Mexican Independence 1753-1811 The liberation of Mexico after 300 years of domination by Spain started on September 16, 1810 in the town of Dolores in what is now the state of Guanajuato, Mexico. Miguel Hidalgo Y Costilla a priest and other patriots, among whom were Juan Aldama and Ignacio Allende, were Continue Reading

Liberty Bell of Mission Dolores Park

 Posted by on July 18, 2012
Jul 182012
Liberty Bell of Mission Dolores Park

Mission Dolores Park The Mission * *                                                                                   The plaque reads: Mexico’s Liberty Bell (A Replica) On the early morning of Sunday September 16th a.d. 1810, Miguel Hidalgo Y Costilla rang the bell of his church in the town of Dolores, in the now state of Guanajuato calling the people to mass and to bear arms against the Spanish yoke Continue Reading

Jul 172012
California Volunteers Memorial on Market Street

Market Street at Dolores Mission/Castro * * * California Volunteers by Douglas Tilden – Bronze on a granite base Dedicated August 12, 1906 Erected by the Citizens of San Francisco In Honor Of The California Volunteers Spanish American War 1898 First to The Front At the end of the Spanish-American War, when the troops returned, San Franciscans went wild. Sixty-five thousand dollars was raised, $25,000 of which was allocated for a memorial. Douglas Tilden won the national competition. California Volunteers, a bronze work sixteen feet high and ten feet long mounted atop a granite base ten feet high, stands at Continue Reading

Jul 162012
American Indian Occupation in the Tenderloin

The Tenderloin/Polk Gulch Austin at Polk * American Indian Occupation by Jaque Fragua and Spencer Keaton Cunningham Jaque Fragua is an acclaimed multi-media artist from New Mexico. From his cultural background, he has developed a yearning for creativity and for the intrinsic process that is Art. Experimenting with various mediums, such as aerosol, found-objects, earthworks, poetry, & music, messages of civil unrest, social justice, emotional introspection, and personal healing have heartened his unique perspective on life through art. Fragua has studied at the Institute of American Indian Arts, and in turn, has taught many community-based workshops, such as mural projects/public-art Continue Reading

Earth Air and Sea on the Great Highway

 Posted by on July 15, 2012
Jul 152012
Earth Air and Sea on the Great Highway

Ocean Beach Sloat and The Great Highway West Side Pump Station Earth Air Sea – 1986 – by Mary Fuller Mary Fuller, along with her husband Robert McChesney, has been in this site before. Mary Fuller McChesney, a California sculptor, has been carving “giant totems and goddesses” for nearly 50 years. Her artwork embodies numerous sources – Native American, Pre-Columbian, African, ancient matriarchal cultures – and like the sacred totems of the Pacific Northwest coastal tribes, honors her ancestral ties to family, both animal and human. Her art is shared and openly accessible, as public commissions have ensured that it Continue Reading

16th and Mission Bart Station

 Posted by on July 14, 2012
Jul 142012
16th and Mission Bart Station

The Mission 16th and Mission * * * * * * *  Palaza del Colibri by Victor Mario Zaballa 2003 Lawrence Berk – Metal Fabricator Colibri are hummingbirds. They are a medium to large species found in Mexico, and Central and northern South America. 16th Street Mission Station is a BART (Bay Area Rapid Transit) station in the Mission District. It is used by the Richmond–Millbrae line, the Pittsburg/Bay Point – SFO line, the Fremont – Daly City line, and the Dublin/Pleasanton – Daly City line. It is an underground station. This particular intersection of San Francisco is one of Continue Reading

Jul 132012
Joan of Arc at the Palace of the Legion of Honor

Lands End Legion of Honor * * Joan of Arc by Anna Huntington Joan of Arc, nicknamed “The Maid of Orléans” is a national heroine of France and a Roman Catholic saint. A peasant girl born in eastern France who claimed divine guidance, she led the French army to several important victories during the Hundred Years’ War, which paved the way for the coronation of Charles VII. She was captured by the Burgundians, transferred to the English for money, put on trial by the pro-English Bishop of Beauvais, and burned at the stake when she was 19 years old. Anna Continue Reading

Dogie Diner Sign

 Posted by on July 12, 2012
Jul 122012
Dogie Diner Sign

Ocean View 45th Avenue and Sloat near The Great Highway Restored Dogie Diner Sign The Doggie Diner (1949-1986) restaurants could be seen throughout the Bay Area during their heyday. Mr. Al Ross, the Doggie Diner Chain’s owner asked Harold Bachman an ad and billboard layout designer, to draw up designs for the sign, it is said that the bow tie was added by Mr. Ross. Three of Doggie Diner’s heads took a road trip to New York in 2003, courtesy of Laughing Squid and SF Cyclecide Bike Rodeo, and that experience was immortalized in a documentary called Head Trip. According Continue Reading

Money Mural on South Van Ness and 15th

 Posted by on July 11, 2012
Jul 112012
Money Mural on South Van Ness and 15th

The Mission South Van Ness and 15th  * * * Signed Curve E. Pastime, one must assume this was done by Pastime of the LORDS crew.   Pastime has other work in San Francisco. LORDS Production Crew has been operating in San Francisco for almost two decades, manipulating the stark walls of the urban landscape to make the wasteland a tad more livable for those of us lucky enough to notice and appreciate their nocturnal artwork. For example, the wall across from Amoeba Records on Haight is one of their collaborative murals, generally referred to as “productions” in graffiti lingo. Continue Reading

Jul 102012
Generator by Andrew Schoultz and Aaron Noble

The Mission 18th and Lexington Generator by Andrew Schoultz and Aaron Noble * * * * * This description of the mural is from an absolutely amazing, September 1, 2004, article in the SF Weekly by Sam Chennault.  It not only gives a wonderful description of the two artists, but chronicles their artistic life.  More importantly, Chennault addresses the various concerns many people have about street art.  Please take the time to give it a read. The mural’s central images are two large birdhouses that haphazardly spiral into each other. Smaller structures jut from the two main houses, and groups Continue Reading

A Ross – Ziegler Collaboration

 Posted by on July 9, 2012
Jul 092012
A Ross - Ziegler Collaboration

435 Duboce Duboce Triangle/ Lower Haight Ian Ross and Zio Ziegler * * * * After these two worked together on a juxtaposed mural South of Market, it was an obvious step to combine forces.  The result is truly fabulous.  Obviously a temporary installation while construction is occurring behind this, but you have to love the person that decided this was a far better way to protect his construction site from trespassers than the standard metal gate. The client is Doorman Property Management, they are the property managers for this mixed-use project of storefront and six residences. (scheduled to open in Continue Reading

Jon Krawcyzk in SOMA

 Posted by on July 8, 2012
Jul 082012
Jon Krawcyzk in SOMA

SOMA 303 2nd Street * *   Jon Krawczyk’s new sculpture sits in the public space of 303 2nd Street . It is a central part of a recent redesign by Gensler and landscape architects Smith + Smith for owner Kilroy Realty. Krawczyk’s steel and bronze sculptures divulge organic gestures that are the antithesis of the material. According to a correspondent for Art in America, his sensual and timeless works “elicit similarly tactile responses” from his viewers. A graduate from Connecticut College, Krawczyk has studied fine art throughout Europe. Krawczyk’s sculptures have been exhibited in galleries and public arenas across the Continue Reading

Roald Amundsen at the Beach Chalet

 Posted by on July 7, 2012
Jul 072012
Roald Amundsen at the Beach Chalet

Land’s End Beach Chalet 1000 The Great Highway * This memorial sits in the parking lot of the Beach Chalet, it has been there since 1930. It marks where Amundsen’s ship, the Gjoa (pronounced “Joe”) was in dry-dock. It had been pulled ashore here in 1909, and placed on dry-dock display. Amundsen donated the ship and the Norweigan community took up a collection to display the ship in the park. Unfortunately, the ship had a rough time and had fallen into disrepair by the 1930s due to vandalism and the elements. The Gjoa Foundation was formed in 1940 to restore Continue Reading

Beach Chalet Murals Part III

 Posted by on July 6, 2012
Jul 062012
Beach Chalet Murals Part III

Land’s End The Beach Chalet – Part III 1000 The Great Highway Lucien Labaudt’s Beach Chalet murals: John McLaren (G.G. Park Superintendent) in left foreground on bench, with Jack Spring (later General Manager of Parks and Rec Dept.) holding redwood tree’s root ball, while behind on horseback (upper right corner) sit sculptor Benny Bufano and Joseph Danysh, then head of California Federal Art Project. * Labaudt, following the precedent set by many of his era’s fellow artists to include other artists, depicts here Gottardo Piazzoni, a Swiss-Italian muralist who worked in San Francisco during the first two decades of the Continue Reading

Beach Chalet Murals – Part II

 Posted by on July 5, 2012
Jul 052012
Beach Chalet Murals - Part II

Land’s End The Beach Chalet Part II 1000 The Great Highway * * It was common for WPA muralists to place people they knew or people of note in their work.  Here Lucien Labaudt inserts Arthur Brown Jr.. Brown was the Architect of City Hall (shown over his left shoulder) and architect of Coit Tower, where Labaudt worked as well. A few scenes from around San Francisco including Japantown.

Beach Chalet Murals

 Posted by on July 4, 2012
Jul 042012
Beach Chalet Murals

Land’s End The Beach Chalet – Part I 1000 Great Highway The Beach Chalet has its own fascinating history. This is however, about the WPA work found at the Beach Chalet.    Port Scene by Lucien Labaut -Beach Chalet Murals Fisherman’s Wharf A peaceful beach scene that incorporates some of Labaudt’s friends and family.   All the murals in the Beach Chalet were done by one artist, Lucien Labaudt. Born in France, he came to the United States in the early 1900s. He was an accomplished dress designer to the rich and famous of San Francisco High Society. He is Continue Reading

Pacific Bird

 Posted by on July 3, 2012
Jul 032012
Pacific Bird

Golden Gateway Embarcadero/Financial District 551 Battery Street * Pacific Bird by Seymour Lipton  1961 Seymour Lipton (1903-1986) was an American abstract expressionist sculptor. He was a member of the New York School who gained widespread recognition in the 1950s. Lipton was interested in art as an adolescent. Although his high school teachers wanted Lipton to pursue art, his parents encouraged him in his decision to study electrical engineering at the Brooklyn Polytechnical Institute and later to pursue a course of study in the liberal arts at New York’s City College. After college, Lipton continued his education in the field of Continue Reading

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