Beach Chalet Murals Part III

 Posted by on July 6, 2012
Jul 062012
Land’s End
The Beach Chalet – Part III
1000 The Great Highway

Lucien Labaudt’s Beach Chalet murals: John McLaren (G.G. Park Superintendent) in left foreground on bench, with Jack Spring (later General Manager of Parks and Rec Dept.) holding redwood tree’s root ball, while behind on horseback (upper right corner) sit sculptor Benny Bufano and Joseph Danysh, then head of California Federal Art Project.

Labaudt, following the precedent set by many of his era’s fellow artists to include other artists, depicts here Gottardo Piazzoni, a Swiss-Italian muralist who worked in San Francisco during the first two decades of the 20th century.

There are a few monochrome murals under the stairway they are also by Labaudt.

  3 Responses to “Beach Chalet Murals Part III”

  1. I really like the idea that they have included so many friends and also political figures of the day in all these murals over the last while.

  2. The murals are great. Thanks for sharing all of them!

  3. Fantastic! Loved this mural series too.

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