Beach Chalet Murals – Part II

 Posted by on July 5, 2012
Jul 052012
Land’s End
The Beach Chalet Part II
1000 The Great Highway

It was common for WPA muralists to place people they knew or people of note in their work.  Here Lucien Labaudt inserts Arthur Brown Jr.. Brown was the Architect of City Hall (shown over his left shoulder) and architect of Coit Tower, where Labaudt worked as well.

A few scenes from around San Francisco including Japantown.

  4 Responses to “Beach Chalet Murals – Part II”

  1. These are great ! I just love seeing these WPA murals — and this series.

  2. More great work!

  3. Wow, the whole wall is covered by murals. Labaudt was able to creatively fit scenes in-between the windows.

  4. Murals are absolutely fabulous!

    Arthur Brown Jr. link in write-up below murals is incorrect as it links to Arthur Page Brown (1859-1896), an architect who also lived/worked in San Francisco.

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