The Ladder (Sun or Moon)

 Posted by on March 17, 2022
Mar 172022

March 2020

1066 Market Street


The Ladder (Sun or Moon), is a ten-storied neon and steel ‘ladder,’ resembling a functional fire escape.  The piece was created by Iván Navarro. 

Born in Santiago, Chile, Navarro obtained his BA in Fine Arts from the University of Chile in Santiago, Chile

“I believe that art must be surreptitiously implanted into the public realm,” “to produce a maximum effect and propel the viewer to question not just the meaning of the single art object, but of the entire lexicon of everyday objects that surround it. THE LADDER should not announce itself as a sculpture, as an object divorced from and yet imposed upon its context. On the contrary, I envisioned an artwork that infiltrates the public space by proposing to ‘naturally inhabit’ its environment.”

Iván Navarro is a Chilean artist celebrated for his unique use of light, sound, and text to create socio-politically charged sculptures and installation. From his furniture made with fluorescent or neon lights to his optical illusions created by lights bouncing off mirrors, Navarro’s work offers enticing sensory experiences, while drawing attention to global concerns.

The piece cost $875,000 and is part of San Francisco’s 1% for Art Program.

Image from Codaworx



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