SOMA – Faces

 Posted by on April 28, 2011
Apr 282011

555 Mission Street

Moonrise East December

The sculptor and mixed media artist is a Swiss, based in New York named Ugo Rondinone. The sculptures are of mottled aluminum.

Moonrise is the title of a series of 12 giant, ghost-like sculptures each named for a month of the year, and standing nine feet high. Their amorphous shapes and color make them look like primitive sculptures. Each one wears a different expression. I can’t presume what the artist was going for, so why that particular face for that particular month? It would really be fun to sit around and talk about it, speculate and just giggle about their expressions.

Notice that all of these are named Moonrise East, I found a Moonrise West series for sale at the Phillips de Pury Gallery. Those are the same faces but much, much smaller, cast black urethane and more mask than sculpture.


I can’t wait to see if he does a North and South series.

  2 Responses to “SOMA – Faces”

  1. These are really neat!
    I cannot imagine the amount of work that must go into creating just one of these.
    Thank you so much for sharing these wonderful images today at The Creative Exchange.

    Have a wonderful day!


  2. They look like otherworldly beings! Love the images!

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