Philadelphia – Claes Oldenburg

 Posted by on June 24, 2011
Jun 242011
In Front of the City Center building downtown Philadelphia.

I am a huge fan of Claes Oldenburg.  Born in Stockholm, Sweden, the son of a Swedish diplomat stationed in New York. In 1936 his father was transferred to Chicago where Oldenburg grew up, attending the Latin School of Chicago. He studied at Yale University from 1946 to 1950, then returned to Chicago where he took classes at The School of the Art Institute of Chicago.  Many of Oldenburg’s large-scale sculptures of mundane objects elicited public ridicule before being embraced as whimsical, insightful, and fun additions to public outdoor art.   Duchamp once said “concern with trying to redefine what we consider art was a very big factor in terms of my own work.” He put the concept of  the “ready-made” on the map.  I know that Oldenburg did not consider his work to be like Duchamp, but you must see a connection, as so much in life and art connects.

This second one is in the Sculpture Garden behind the Philadelphia Museum of Art.

  4 Responses to “Philadelphia – Claes Oldenburg”

  1. I love the first sculpture! Thanks for the great information on the artist and his background. Your blog is great, I’m so glad I had the pleasure to stop by!

  2. Art that makes you smile..whimsy is wonderful. I just love the giant clothespin!

  3. You certainly fit a lot in to your stay in Philadelphia! I enjoy seeing the city through your lens and it has made me wonder why I haven’t ever done more than drive quickly through! These sculpures are fun!

  4. interesting art, thanks for sharing.

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