This installation is entitled “Your Move” by Daniel Martinez, Renee Petropoulis and Roger White, it was installed in 1979. While difficult to discern on the ground, the tiles appear to be some sort of game board, not checkers, or chess, but orderly like a game board. The tops of the blue rounds have Bingo Number/Letter combinations on them, and there are also Checker’s pieces with crowns on top. This is best seen from the observation deck of the Municipal Services Building where they are located. Since I did not go up, I appreciated them from the ground level. They include Monopoly, and Parcheesi as well as the games I already mentioned.
I would love to have found out more about them, or about the artists, but that proved impossible. I don’t know how well these actually work, they are really a great concept, but they don’t lend themselves to asking humans to be part of the open space, they just seem to be there, with no real way to interact. They are really cool to look at but… neat. Would love to visit.
Hope you have a blessed day♥
I used to live in Bucks Cty. I miss spending time in Philly. Looks to me like this is a variety of games put together….the yellow one looks like a standard game piece but the iron and top hat are monopoly, then there’s chess, checkers, bingo, and dominoes….
Who knows? Sometimes I can totally related to what artist’s are saying and sometimes it’s a big mystery. I sometimes wonder what I’m saying.
Thanks for sharing…always love to see Philly. Oh yes and “go Eagles!”.
Great photos- at first it was shocking to see such big game pieces!