77 Van Ness
San Francisco

New Life by Paul Gibson
Paul Gibson, born in Los Angeles in 1957, was educated at Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo, California, in Architecture, and received his BFA from the Art Center College of Design in Pasadena, California. Following his passion for arts, he decided to move to New York City and received a full-time painting scholarship at the prestigious National Academy of Design in New York. Paul lived in New York for five years and became a believer in the visual arts and a collector of works on paper.
Gibson moved with his family to San Francisco in 1989, established a studio in Hunters Point and began teaching at the Academy of Art University in the art of drawing.
This is part of San Francisco’s 1% for Art Program.
San Francisco’s “Downtown Plan” adopted in 1985, was developed under the fundamental assumption that significant employment and office development growth would occur. New commercial development would provide new revenue sources to cover a portion of the costs of necessary urban service improvements. Specific programs were created to satisfy needs for additional housing, transit, childcare, open space, and art. The public art requirement created by this plan is commonly known as the “1% for Art” program. This requirement, governed by Section 429 of the Planning Code, provides that construction of a new building or addition of 25,000 square feet or more within the downtown C‐3 district, triggers a requirement that provides public art that equals at least 1% of the total construction cost be provided.
Effective May 2012, in certain projects, all or part of this requirement may be satisfied by either providing accepted art of the resulting 1% valuation on-site or paying such amount to a newly established Public Art Trust Fund (Fund), which is administered by the San Francisco Arts Commission.