6th Street and Jessie
This series of murals is by Lango. Lango has been in this website many times, and I am a big fan of his work. You can more of his work here. This is a rough part of town, so I am not sure how or why this wall was chosen, but they are really just gorgeous.

A tough mural for a rough part of town!
Those murals are truly stunning.
I like his work even though it has an aura of violence to it…
Is it possible that these murals won’t be defaced with graffiti?
This artist is an awesome one. His work really does amaze me. I am hopeful that being in the area where he painted the mural, it will not be vandalized. Love your presentation of his piece. Really neat. genie
Well, it seems to me the subject matter suits the location. I like his work from your previous post better though.
Fantastic murals! I hope it stays free of bd grafitti. We had some very nice but smaller ones in my part of Stockholm but now they are spoiled by ugly grafitti.
Lango’s work has strong lines and is very powerful.
Incredible details in these murals!! Such brilliant colors in the top one!
Along with your October post on this artist, his subject matter seems to be preoccupied with aggression and violence. Interesting for a guy who is described as shy. I find his work quite unsettling.
[…] piece in Jessie alley off of 6th street is by Lango. It replaced his eagle that you can see here. Posted by admin at 7:41 am Tagged with: Jessie, Lango, SOMA, Tattoo […]
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