Sun Spheres on Ocean Avenue

 Posted by on October 19, 2012
Oct 192012

1344 Ocean at Grenada

There are three of these mosaic Sun Spheres on Ocean Avenue between Miramar and Grenada. Done by Laura True, they were installed in 2008.  The Spheres range in size from 3′ to 5′ in diameter and were commissioned by the SFAC at a cost of $47,500.

  4 Responses to “Sun Spheres on Ocean Avenue”

  1. Great capture of the mom and child walking next to the sphere! The sun spheres do brighten up the sidewalk…..I wonder if kids try to climb up them.

  2. Neat! I know that I’d be running my hands over that mosaic texture every time I walked by.

  3. I love these! They look a bit tempting for vandals but don’t look damaged thankfully.

  4. I love these spheres!

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