Mission, Norm’s Market

 Posted by on December 26, 2011
Dec 262011
Mission District
20th and Bryant
San Francisco
Sirron Norris

Across from the Deli-up Cafe with its work by Sirron  is this at Norm’s market. Here are all the photos for your enjoyment.





  3 Responses to “Mission, Norm’s Market”

  1. I’ve added a link to your blog on my Monday Murals post.
    You have such a fount of murals to choose!

  2. The animals’ expressions are too funny. They look like they’re trapped in a Rube Goldberg device. I’ve linked you to my Monday Mural too. I wonder if a Monday Mural meme would attract participants?

  3. Whimsical and fun! I like it a lot! I’m thinking this was commissioned by the owners of Norm’s Market, right?

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