Bufano at Westside Courts

 Posted by on January 31, 2013
Jan 312013

Westside Courts Housing Project
2501 Sutter Street
Lower Pacific Heights

Bufano at Westside Courts Housing Project

This sculpture, by well known San Francisco sculptor  Beniamino Bufano, is titled Saint Francis on Horseback.  Standing  8′ x 6′ and of black granite  it is located in the central courtyard of the project. It was made in 1935 but not placed here until 1945.

Westside Courts were built in 1943, Westside includes 136 units in six buildings that cover a full city block. Westside s unusual because it is located in a thriving, mixed-income neighborhood. Another distinction is in its construction, which relied on heavy cement blocks, creating buildings that have suffered less from degradation over time.

Westside is a development that has exceeded its useful life. The development is more than 65 years old, and residents live with outdated appliances; unpredictable plumbing, mechanical, and electrical systems; extensive rodent problems; and other issues that affect their health and quality of life.

Westside  comes under the purvue of HOPE SF, a subsidiary of the San Francisco Housing Authority.

Beniamino Bufano on Sutter Street in San Francisco


Benny Bufano St. Francis on Horseback

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