Union Square 1:AM

 Posted by on August 22, 2011
Aug 222011
Union Square – San Francisco
Saks Fifth Avenue – Fifth Floor
It is difficult to write about Union Square when discussing art.  The only form of art that you actually find is the pursuance of the all mighty dollar.  It is what many think of when they travel to our fair city, and it’s center is a magnificent open space, but public art is sparse.  For that reason, I was thrilled when the great people at 1 AM Gallery had the opportunity to create this piece on the fifth floor of the women’s Saks Fifth Avenue.
1:AM is a prolific group of artist both at their gallery and around town.  They have shown up many times on this website. They are a super group of people doing lots of great things with their community and public art.  If you get the chance, walk down to the gallery at 1000 Howard Street and see the latest exhibition.
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