Jul 232011
940 Washington Street, San Francisco

I love the architecture that you find in Chinatown.  I actually think, more because of the history than the actual styles.  This brick building with its’ beautiful tile arched entry is one of my favorites.  It is the Gum Moon Womens Residence.  It has a nice piece of marble with the inscription.

Oriental Home and School
of the WHMS of
The ME Church
This building’s history begins in 1870.  The history of the Chinese immigration in the United States is not a pretty one, and this is standing testament to the people that did care.  The Reverend and Mrs. Otis Gibson had become aware of the “mui tsai”, girls in bondage.  He wanted to do something to help.  With twelve other women they formed the Womens Missionary Society of the Pacific Coast with the mission “to elevate and save heathen women, especially those on these shores, and to raise funds for this work”.  A full account of the Society can be found in a published article by Jeffrey Staley.  The building itself was built after the 1906 earthquake and was designed by Julia Morgan.


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