Father Boeddeker Park
259 Eddy Street
The Tenderloin
Father Boedekker Park has gone through a much needed and highly anticipated refurbishment. The $9.3 million face-lift to the Tenderloins only multi-use park was long over due. The $9.3 million renovation was made possible with a $4.93 million grant from the California Department of Parks and Recreation, more than $3.3 million of private contribution from corporate business donors, and funds from The Trust of Public Land, as well as more than $1.7 million of City’s general fund, open space fund, and Parks Bond.
There was already some public art in the park that you can read about here, but the fence by local artist Amy Blackstone, is new.
Amy’s studio is in Hunters Point, and her love of flowers has shown in several pieces she has around San Francisco.
There are four 6X6 galvanized metal panels in the fence.