Herakut and Rusk Paint the Tenderloin

 Posted by on August 16, 2012
Aug 162012
The Tenderloin / Polk Gulch
Hemlock and Polk

The area under this fire escape in Hemlock Alley has been the home to many worldwide known graffiti artists. Roa was featured here not too long ago.

This piece is by Arkut, Hera (who often paint as Herakut) and Rusk, all from Germany.

HERA, 27 years of age, born in Frankfurt, is looking back on a straight and classic art education with taking lessons from old weirdo artists, starting from when she was eight. That plus her never-ending years of studying Graphic Design account for her preferences today: she says, she would rather paint in the rain than do work at a desk. Even though that kind of weather might get you sick and makes it hard to foresee the final result of your piece because it keeps washing all pigments off the wall – it is still better than doing some tedious office work.

AKUT, 31 years, decided to take a ride when the graffiti wave reached his hometown Schmalkalden. Together with CASE, TASSO and RUSK, he formed the MA’CLAIM Crew, which is nowadays worldwide renowned for their photorealistic style in graffiti. AKUT studied Visual Communications at the Bauhaus University in Weimar.

RUSK is from Berlin.

MA’CLAIM has a wonderful blog if you are interested in seeing other works.

Stylefile interviewed Arkut and Hera, the interview is very enlightening and what I found interesting is that Hera mentioned that she was especially fond of Os Gemeos, whose work you can see here.

  5 Responses to “Herakut and Rusk Paint the Tenderloin”

  1. Startling and powerful! It made me think of the Hunger Games.

  2. Very cool. I was lucky to capture a raccoon wheat paste by Rusk which you identified for me several months ago!

  3. That girl is mesmerizing! Her eyes … wow! But I don’t understand the symbolism. Is that a raccoon lying on top of her and if so, why? You probably don’t know these things…I’m just thinking as I’m writing. There must be a reason for such a work.

  4. I love this, it’s really wonderful, and also love Os Gémeos!

  5. […] mura, by Herakut is on the walls of the Flax Art Store on Market Street.  Herakut has been in this website before with a piece in the […]

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